Best Winter bait for bream. Flavors for winter bream fishing

In this article, we will explore the best winter bait for bream and the flavors that can be used to make them even more attractive to these fish.

This guide will provide you with the information you need to successfully target and catch bream using the best winter baits available, and how to add an extra layer of attraction to your bait using different flavors.

Best Winter bait for bream.

Today we will talk about the differences between winter and summer feeder bait for bream. Are there any differences in composition, color, and density? Or is the summer-proven composition of the bait mixture suitable for fishing in cold weather?

In winter, the bream migrate to deeper, darker waters in search of food. They tend to feed less actively in cold water, so anglers must use the right bait to lure them in

The best baits for winter bream fishing are ones that are high in oil and have strong flavors. This is because the bream's sense of smell is more acute in the cold water, and they are attracted to baits that are strong-smelling and full of nutrients.

Some of the best flavors for winter bream fishing include anise, ginger, and clove.

[caption id="attachment_1853" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Best Winter bait for bream Best Winter bait for bream[/caption]

We will also dwell on the features of feeding, bait additives, flavors, winter baits, and baits for bream.

Agree that winter fishing on a feeder in open water and classic ice fishing is somewhat similar. In the old days, the spring closest to the feeder was covered with crumbs or porridge. Then crumbly bait mixtures were rarely used, but it was for winter fishing that they were commonplace. Several holes are drilled in a suitable place. Moreover, as in feeder fishing, places are chosen along the edges, rifts leading to the pits. These holes are fed mainly with bloodworms, in winter it is better suited for both perch and bream. But many also feed with a mixture of breadcrumbs and cakes, adding steamed barley, bloodworms, or maggots to it. If you find a successful hole, then you can fish on it for several days or even months, constantly, little by little feeding.

At low water temperatures (less than 10 degrees), the fish adjusts to winter behavior and spends most of the time passively, one might say, in hibernation. But from time to time, and often during periods of warming, it moves along the edges and underwater slopes in search of food.

If we have a non-freezing reservoir at our disposal, and it also contains fish worthy of our attention, such as bream, then there is no need to stay at home. Even at negative temperatures under open areas of water, the fish behave more actively, without experiencing oxygen starvation. We are reading an article on our website about preparing for feeder fishing in winter and are going fishing.

It remains to clarify the features of bream bait. To do this, take into account the following features of fishing in winter:

  • fish are more cautious and shy
  • the transparency of cold water increases
  • Fish require much less food than in warm weather.

Special bait mixes for cold water have been on the market for a long time. Their large selection is designed specifically for white fish, including bream. Almost all of these baits are black or dark brown, specially matched to the color of the soil. No reddish, green, or yellow colors are characteristic of warm water. This was done primarily because of the greater shyness of the fish.

[caption id="attachment_1855" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Fishing GroundBait Ball Fishing GroundBait Ball[/caption]

With cold water, the bream feeds inactively anyway, and those who suspect something is wrong with our bait may not return to this place for a long time.

But not in winter. The bream is already sluggish, it feeds reluctantly. Therefore, the color should not arouse suspicion in him. With cold water, the bream feeds inactively anyway, and those who suspect something is wrong with our bait may not return to this place for a long time.

[caption id="attachment_1856" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Fishing GroundBait Balls Fishing GroundBait Balls[/caption]

The winter diet of fish is also undergoing significant changes, in the direction of its reduction. Because of this, expert opinions differ. Some advise making bait less high-calorie, others, on the contrary, better. Although the bream eats less, it can be attracted to high-quality, high-protein bait or bait. Everyone knows that if in warm time some fish prefers vegetable baits, then when cold weather approaches, their priorities change towards worms, maggots, and bloodworms.

Here you need to look for something in between, depending on the method of feeding. If we are going to use bloodworms and maggots in bait, then we reduce the content of sunflowers and millet. Winter bait in this case will be dusty and attract fish in small fractions. And the animal components hold it in place. There are special feeders for bloodworms with fine mesh. Western anglers even often use them for feeder fishing for white fish. It is possible to do so. But as an economy, it is better to take a standard feeder and fill it with bait mixed with bloodworms. So it will be more economical and efficient due to the created loop.

[caption id="attachment_1857" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Feeder Feeder[/caption]

You can buy ready-made winter bait or prepare it yourself. I propose the following composition:

  • Ground crackers, cookies, biscuits ... - 40%;
  • Hercules or semolina ground in a meat grinder - 10%;
  • Roasted and ground seeds (it is better to cook shortly before fishing) - 10-20%;
  • Hemp seeds, flax, coriander ... - add as needed;
  • On the fishing itself, it’s good to add a little dark soil to the finished bait to give color;
  • Bloodworm or maggot is added immediately before casting (the required volume is determined by experience). I do not use chopped worms as an additive, but I heard that you need to be careful with them. In winter, the worm in the bait, depending on the reservoir, can even reduce the bite. Yes, and adding bloodworms and maggots does not always work. Sometimes winter bream is great for bait without bloodworms. And as a bait prefers "summer" nozzles. So here you have to look for your approach to the fish.

[caption id="attachment_1858" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Fishing GroundBait With Worms Fishing GroundBait With Worms[/caption]

This bait can be mixed with purchased (I try to take darker without a strong smell) 1:2, 1:3.

As an additive, as in summer, you can use boiled barley or millet, but you can get by with the base. If we catch a feeder on stagnant water, then we do not forget that the additive, for example, in the form of pearl barley, will stay at the place of bait for a long time. Firstly, the fish is not so active, and secondly, such components do not turn sour in cold water, and there are no bacteria and insects to eat up the leftovers. Therefore, let me remind you once again that especially in stagnant water or with a slow flow, we competently approach feeding.

Groundbait in winter should mainly attract fish.

Flavors for winter bream fishing

For cold water, flavors are not added to the bait at all or are added very slightly. It would seem: the fish is inactive and the bright smell will stimulate it to approach the bait - but no. Smells adopted for summer bait may not work at all in winter, or even scare away fish.

If you use a flavor, then only a working one, tested on this reservoir for catching bream, and in much smaller quantities.

It should be warned against the use of cheap flavors by unknown manufacturers, which are now sold in the markets so much. It should be added only from trusted manufacturers and purchased in normal stores. There are special winter flavors for cold water (special bream, tutti-frutti, strawberry…).

Baits for bream in winter

With weak biting in cold weather, the main thing is to choose the right bait. For the first fishing trip, it is better to take several types of nozzles with you. At a minimum, bloodworm, maggot, dung worm, pasta, steamed barley, hominy, dough ... (choose depending on the preferences of local fish). As a rule, animal components work better, but sometimes in winter, the bream prefers soft vegetable baits.

I start fishing with a sandwich: maggot + bloodworm. And I look after the bite that the fish ate more. If today she chooses a bloodworm, then I switch to it.

If it ignores both, then I try other combinations of the available nozzles. You need to be prepared that at such a time the bite is often very capricious. The taste of fish can change several times throughout the day.

[caption id="attachment_1859" align="aligncenter" width="179"]bloodworms bloodworms[/caption]

Bloodworm. Standard bait for winter fish. Will have to taste and bream with bream. It is used both as a nozzle and as an additive to the bait. Bloodworm should be fresh, and should not "leak out". Most often, several bloodworms are hooked on the hook (2-8). With a bad beak, the number of larvae is reduced, up to 1-3.

The bloodworm should be planted carefully through the head. It happens that with a very bad bite, rare bites occur only on bloodworms. To store the bloodworm, wrap it in dry paper and put it in the refrigerator (not in the freezer!).

Maggot. Also a good working bait for bream. You can catch it all year round, but with the onset of cold weather, the interest of fish in maggot increases more. We put several larvae on the hook, depending on the intended fish. For bream, 5-8 pieces are possible, for bream 2-4.

[caption id="attachment_1860" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Fishing Worms Fishing Worms[/caption]

Let me remind you that it is impossible to store maggot and bloodworm together! Motyl does not withstand such a neighborhood and dies.

[caption id="attachment_1861" align="aligncenter" width="196"]Fishing Worms Fishing Hook With Worms[/caption]

Herbal bait can be very diverse. Mostly those on which breams are caught in the summer. The main thing is that the piece is more tender and soft than in warm weather. Passive bream will stay and peck very gently. And soft pieces of porridge or pasta will fall to your taste.


Winter can be a challenging time for fishing, but with the right bait and flavors, it's possible to catch bream even in the colder months. Breams are a type of freshwater fish that can be found in rivers, lakes, and canals, and they have a strong feeding instinct that makes them a popular target for anglers.

From sweet, savory or spicy, different flavors can be added to traditional baits like maggots or groundbait or pellets to add an extra layer of attraction to the fish.

It's always worth experimenting with different baits and flavors to find what works best for the conditions and the fish in your area. Remember that this is part of the fun and you will keep learning.