Electronic fishing rod for winter Ice fishing


4 min read

In recent years, winter fishing has become increasingly popular. One of the most important pieces of equipment is an Electronic fishing rod for winter. Here are some of the key benefits of using an electronic fishing rod for winter fishing.

Electronic fishing rod for winter fishing

Electronic winter fishing rod is a symbiosis of winter fishing gear, as well as modern technology. The phrase "electronic ice fishing rod" evokes mixed feelings. It immediately seems something poaching, forbidden. But immediately after this feeling, there is an interest in such an unusual fishing tool.

And yet, sooner or later, you will have to face such a device. Therefore, you need to have at least a general idea about this device.

Operating principle

[caption id="attachment_2037" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Electronic fishing rod for winter fishing Operating principle Electronic fishing rod for winter fishing Operating principle[/caption]

It has long been noticed by fishermen that frequent twitching of the tip of the rod causes some types of fish to actively peck.

Amplitude fluctuations of the gatehouse create a vibration of bait or bait underwater:

  • Effective fishing requires uniform oscillation at both the top and bottom points.
  • The main difference between these two rods is the driving force. In the first case, the fisherman's hand serves as the source, and in the second
  • case, the vibrations are transmitted using electrical impulses converted into mechanical vibrations.
  • The electrical circuit along with the power source is located inside the rod handle. As a rule, power is supplied from one rechargeable finger-type battery.
  • Modern models allow you to adjust the oscillation frequency.

Some mistakenly believe that this unit is a device for the lazy. This is not entirely true. It is difficult for a person to provide a stable amplitude. The electronic device copes with this task much better.

Pros and cons of Electronic fishing rod

Modern technology is sometimes ahead of its time. Some people seek to use these technologies in their daily lives. Others, on the contrary, are conservative about all innovations. Fishermen are no exception.

No one is agitating you to use an electronic fishing rod instead of an ordinary one.

However, there are a few facts you should be aware of:

  • The electric mechanism never gets tired, unlike the angler's hand. However, you will have to take spare batteries with you when you go fishing.
  • A person is not able to provide a constant maximum frequency of oscillations. This is especially true for older fishermen and people who have suffered various injuries. But experienced anglers have in their stock posting techniques that are not subject to mechanisms.
  • An electronic device requires certain knowledge and a caring attitude. Do not allow water to come into contact with electronic components. On the other hand, experienced fishermen always want to try something new.
  • No one forbids combining fishing with several electronic and one manual fishing rod.

To understand the correct process of fishing with a reelless rod, beginners should first practice on regular rods. And only having a certain skill, you can move on to the advanced version.

[caption id="attachment_2038" align="aligncenter" width="200"]Electronic fishing rod for winter fishing Time teste Electronic fishing rod for winter fishing Time teste[/caption]

Large fishing stores carry various models of electric-powered rods.

They have a certain set of characteristics:

  • appearance and dimensions;
  • material of manufacture;
  • the presence of moisture-proof and impact-resistant properties;
  • capacious battery.

On the net, you can find ways to make electronic fishing rods with your own hands. You just need basic knowledge of electronics.

I would like to mention the time-tested electronic winter fishing rod "Luck". It is a typical fishing rod in the form of a balalaika. Production material - foamed plastic.

Its advantages are:

Such an electronic winter fishing rod "Luck" is quite simple and light. Very easy to operate. Not afraid of moisture and does not sink. Has a clear interface. Three buttons and three operating modes respectively.

If you are an experienced angler and have not yet tried fishing with an electronically powered rod, then you are guaranteed a lot of new experiences and emotions.


The electronic fishing rod is a great choice for winter fishing. It is easy to use, reliable, and easy to store. It is also a great way to keep your catch fresh and prevent freezing.