How to Keep Minnows Alive for Long Periods at Home

How to Keep Minnows Alive for Long Periods at Home

How to Keep Minnows Alive over time can be difficult, while many anglers prefer to purchase bait from local shops, it's possible to keep bait alive at home for an extended period. This article will provide you with some valuable tips and techniques to ensure your bait stays lively and attractive for longer, maximizing your chances of catching fish

There are some things that you can do to prolong their life.

  • First, make sure that the minnows are healthy when you purchase them.

  • Second, keep them in a cool, dark place with good water circulation.

  • Third, do not overfeed them, as this can lead to water quality problems.

Finally, check on them regularly and remove any dead or dying fish. By following these steps, you can keep your minnows alive for long periods.

How to Keep Minnows Alive: Water Tank

Aquarium Setup

Start by setting up a suitable aquarium or fish tank. Ensure it is large enough to accommodate the number of minnows you plan to keep. Clean the tank thoroughly and provide a secure lid to prevent escapes.

Fish Aquarium

Fill the tank with dechlorinated water, either using a water conditioner or by letting tap water sit for 24 hours. Maintain proper water parameters, including temperature, pH, and ammonia levels.

Minnows generally prefer cool water between 50-70°F (10-21°C) and slightly acidic to neutral pH levels.

How to Keep Minnows Alive


Install a filtration system appropriate for your tank size to keep the water clean and well-oxygenated. Minnows require good water circulation and aeration to thrive.

Fishing Tank Aerator

Aerators are devices used to introduce air into water. They are used in a variety of applications, including wastewater treatment, aquaculture, and aquariums. There are many different types of aerators, each with its advantages and disadvantages.

  • One type of aerator is the diffuser, which uses a diffuser plate to introduce air into the water. Diffusers are typically used in wastewater treatment applications. They are typically mounted on a platform above the water surface and can be used to aerate large areas of water.

  • Another type of aerator is the jet aerator. Jet aerators use a jet of air to introduce air into the water. Jet aerators are typically used in aquaculture applications. They are typically mounted on a platform above the water surface and can be used to aerate large areas of water.

  • The third type of aerator is the submerged aerator. Submerged aerators introduce air into the water through a diffuser plate that is submerged in the water. Submerged aerators are typically used in aquariums. They are typically small and can be used to aerate small areas of water.

I'd say if you don't set Aerator within 24 hours they'd start dying off because the oxygen would become depleted in the water so aerators are a must-have if you're planning on keeping minnows.

How to Keep Minnows Alive


Filters are devices that are used to remove impurities from liquids and gases. They are used in various industries, including water treatment, food processing, pharmaceuticals, and petrol. There are a variety of different types of filters, each designed for a specific purpose.

The most common type of filter is the activated carbon filter, which is used to remove impurities from water.

Fish Tank Filters

I want to mention filters aren't necessary if you're only going to be keeping minnows for maybe a week or two, but if you don't get a filter, you're going to have to do frequent water changes, maybe every 1 or 2 days.

It may be quite the pain, these filters and aerators, and even tanks are sometimes not even that expensive, like they might be 15 bucks.

How to Keep Minnows Alive


Minnows are omnivorous and will eat a variety of foods. Offer them a balanced diet consisting of high-quality fish flakes, pellets, or live/frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, or bloodworms. Feed them small amounts multiple times a day, ensuring they consume the food within a few minutes to prevent overfeeding and water pollution.

Watch to see when the food starts to hit the bottom, and then I know they're getting filled up and they're not so interested in the food anymore.

I feed these minnows with some tetramine and feed them in the morning and the evening. I give them about a couple of pinches of food.

How to Keep Minnows Alive

Add Artificial Plants

I'd like to mention that some of these plants I have in here now are artificial plants, but try to put something in there like plants or rocks if the minnows can kind of hide in it because it makes them feel more protective, keeps them less scared, and increases their chances of surviving.

I hope you learned something here today about keeping minnows for fishing and good luck fishing


Storing minnows for long periods of time can be difficult, as they are sensitive to changes in water quality and temperature. However, there are some things that you can do to prolong their life.

  • First, make sure that the minnows are healthy when you purchase them.

  • Second, keep them in a cool, dark place with good water circulation.

  • Third, do not overfeed them, as this can lead to water quality problems.

  • Finally, check on them regularly and remove any dead or dying fish.

By following these steps, you can keep your minnows alive for long periods of time.