Time When Carp Spawn For Catching - Spawning Specifics - Biting Features

The Carp Spawn begins in late spring. The water at this time is already warming up well, which contributes to the better reproduction of carp offspring. In different geographical zones, this time differs by approximately one month.

Moreover, it has been observed that carp females choose only freshly watered vegetation for laying eggs because it contributes to the better development of the future fry.

The entire spawning process lasts a little over two weeks. However, there are no isolated cases when, at the end of summer, females that have not fully spawned come across.

Time When Carp Spawn For Catching

The Carp typically spawn in the spring and early summer, when water temperatures are warm and the conditions are favorable for egg development. During this time, male carp release milt (a fluid containing sperm) into the water, which fertilizes the eggs released by the female carp. The eggs are small and sticky, and they typically attach to vegetation or other objects in the water.

Spawning grounds carp

The eggs hatch into larvae within a few days, and the larvae then begin to grow and develop into adult carp. The Carp can produce a large number of eggs during a single spawning season, which contributes to their ability to quickly populate new areas. However, not all of the eggs and larvae survive, as they are vulnerable to predation and other environmental factors.

Habitat is one of the important factors influencing carp spawning. So, in different reservoirs, this process occurs in different ways. Stagnant water heats up earlier than running water, which means that cyprinids will start spawning in it earlier.

  1. With the advent of spring, the ice melts and, as a result, heavy floods begin. The water area of ​​the rivers increases several times. Individuals of carp prefer to leave at this time away from the channel to flooded places. Lack of current, shallower depth, and abundance of vegetation - all these are the most favorable factors for cyprinids. Subsequently, with a decrease in the water level, in such places, eggs are laid on the vegetation. Therefore, small backwaters and stretches in this regard will be more productive. Often you can first observe several individuals scouting a new territory, and only then does the whole flock rushes after them.
  2. On ponds, spawning begins in a completely different way. Females rush to places with abundant aquatic vegetation. It can be thickets of water lilies or other representatives of the local flora. More often it is still calm backwaters with clean water. As you know, carps prefer to live only where there is an abundance of oxygen dissolved in water.
  3. Starting from early morning until early noon, when it is still not quite hot, females and males begin to rub their sides against each other, spawning eggs and milk. At the same time, a lot of eggs are spawned, but only every hundredth can survive. The rest become food for birds and other inhabitants of the reservoir.

It has been noted that the places where carp spawn can be easily identified by the accumulation of roaches. In such places, she gathers in large flocks to profit from delicious carp caviar.

Spawning specifics

The eggs of carp hatch into larvae within a few days of being fertilized. The larvae are small and vulnerable, and they must begin to grow and develop quickly in order to survive. As the larvae grow, they undergo a series of physical transformations that enable them to develop into adult carp.

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During this process, the larvae develop fins, scales, and other features that enable them to swim and forage for food. They also begin to resemble adult carp in appearance, although they are still much smaller in size.

Carp are known for their ability to reproduce quickly and in large numbers, which has contributed to their success as an invasive species in many areas. A single female carp can produce tens of thousands of eggs during a single spawning season, and these eggs can hatch into larvae within just a few days. This rapid reproductive rate enables carp to quickly populate new areas and establish themselves in new environments.

Some carp individuals spawn in several stages. Having swept aside once, they wait for the most favorable weather conditions for the subsequent spawning. But not only this distinguishes cyprinids during the spawning period from other fish species.

  1. During the flood period, as a rule, carp spawn in shallow areas. The only exceptions are the feral relatives of cyprinids - carp. They prefer to stay directly on the current itself in the riverbed.
  2. The distinctive feature of carp spawning is the fact that the whole process of spawning takes place in a strict hierarchy. Initially, smaller individuals spawn, then medium ones. And only at the very end - the largest representatives of the family.
  3. Sometimes especially large individuals can jump out of the water to a height of up to two meters.
  4. Caviar in carp has a greenish color and does not differ much in appearance from that of its relatives. The amount of caviar is simply huge, so carp can be considered one of the most prolific fish.
  5. Puberty begins in the second year of life. But individuals spawn not earlier than the third, and sometimes the fourth year of life. By that time, the weight of some specimens already reaches eight hundred grams in places.
  6. A female weighing one kilogram is capable of sweeping away about three hundred and fifty thousand eggs. With a weight of more than three and a half kilograms, this figure doubles.
  7. The pecking of fry from eggs is on average about ten days in favorable weather. When it gets colder, the timing can increase by several days.
  8. Barren individuals are sometimes found in the carp family. They are easily distinguishable compared to other individuals, as they are simply huge, with a spherical belly and a short tail. In addition, the size of the lips of such fish significantly exceeds the size of their relatives.

Remarkable is the fact that approximately only every hundredth egg becomes a fry. And only every tenth fish will be able to live up to the first year of life.

Biting features

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The activity of carp biting in different periods of spawning is similar to the behavior of any other white fish. But there are also some peculiarities.


  • In spring, with the arrival of the first sunny days, the entire animal and plant world wakes up from hibernation. When the carp begins to actively eat, then during this period it is vital for the protein component, which should be at least one-third of its diet. Therefore, it is preferable to catch on animal bait. It can be a bunch of worms, maggots, bloodworms, or boilies with a meaty smell;
  • It is already better to catch fish going for spawning with smaller baits or boilies, as the body of the fish begins to swell due to the abundance of milk and caviar. It is better to use one or two maggots, a medium-sized worm. At this time, there is a pretty good biting;
  • During spawning, carp fishing reaches its peak. Medium-sized individuals over three hundred grams are ready to swallow any bait or nozzle offered to them. Differences in the bait used vary only by local fish preferences;
  • After spawning, the fish is very weakened, which causes its passive biting. Individuals practically do not move in search of the right food. But ten days later, a new short begins. Fish are slowly recovering from spawning and gaining lost calories. At this time, her addictions change in favor of plant-based baits. From aromatics, a fruity sweetish aftertaste will be most suitable;
  • In summer, the fish returns to their measured life. She begins to return to her permanent habitat. It is best to look for carp in pits, edge drops, and twisted places;
  • With the onset of the first cold weather, fish biting abruptly stops until the next season.\

If you are going fishing for carp, be sure to check the nearest weather forecast. The thing is that for successful fishing, days without sudden weather changes are considered the most favorable. Carp are very sensitive to them. Especially to jumps in atmospheric pressure.

Carp is a strong worthy fish. Not even a large specimen - a real fighter.


In conclusion, the spawning of carp is a crucial part of their reproductive cycle, and it enables them to reproduce quickly and in large numbers. During the spawning process, male carp release milt (a fluid containing sperm) into the water, which fertilizes the eggs released by the female carp. The eggs are small and sticky, and they typically attach to vegetation or other objects in the water. Within a few days, the eggs hatch into larvae, which begin to grow and develop into adult carp.