Carp Summer Night Fishing


9 min read

Carp summer night fishing is a popular pastime in many parts of the world. As the sun sets over the lake, the carp begin to bite. the fisherman knows that this is the time to cast their lines. For hours, they will sit in the cool night air, waiting for a fish to take the bait.

Catching carp at night is a lot of the elite. Its success largely depends on preparation and technique. Only a real fisherman will agree to spend a sleepless night near a pond in search of a coveted trophy. The rest don't belong here. In order for night fishing for carp to be successful, you need to comprehend the secrets of its success. It is important to choose the right place and take care of camouflage. The fishing technique and the choice of bait will help you get the desired trophy.

Carp Summer Night Fishing: Success Secrets

[caption id="attachment_1673" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Carp Summer Night Fishing: Success Secrets[/caption]

Not everyone will be ready to meet the night all alone, away from the signs of civilization and city noise. In such a place, every side movement, every rustle or sound can frighten the fisherman. And if we also take into account the unpredictability of weather conditions, dampness, cold, and fog... Not every carp angler likes such fishing. It is necessary to have strong nerves, steel character, and patience. Also, an important factor for free travel to the pond at night is marital status. After all, not every wife will be able to let her husband go for the whole night.

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[caption id="attachment_2291" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Carp Summer Night Fishing Kit[/caption]

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Fortunately, fishing on sleepless nights is justified by the volume and size of the prey. Large representatives of the most popular inhabitant of our reservoirs - carp - begin to feed at night.

When everything around calms down and stops showing signs of life, big carp go hunting. Therefore, if you approach the matter from the right side, the bite will be very good, and the fish caught will be a trophy.

Despite all the difficulties of Carp Summer Night Fishing and "pitfalls", the number of connoisseurs of night fishing is steadily growing.

Many enthusiasts, choosing unforgettable sensations and adrenaline that they will receive from the upcoming carp fishing, do not pay attention to:

  • The weather;
  • Cold;
  • Darkness.

And if at this time many people sleep peacefully or have fun in clubs, real fishermen rush in search of a new trophy, choosing the most cherished places.

Carp Summer Night Fishing Preparation

[caption id="attachment_1674" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Carp Summer Night Fishing Preparation[/caption]

Before you go to the reservoir for carp, you need to think over the routes of movement, prepare the camp and ensure the minimum conditions for temporary residence on the shore:

  • In order not to spoil the fishing, it is important to place all tackle and equipment in strictly designated places in advance. Otherwise, you can damage expensive equipment or get seriously injured when running to a rod that has triggered a bite alarm. You can easily miss the prey without reaching the right gear, such as a landing net, get injured, or break expensive equipment.
  • When preparing for Carp Summer Night Fishing, it is recommended to take care of lighting key areas of the camp. You can provide yourself with maximum comfort and convenience of fishing by adopting several flashlights. Buying a whole set of such devices does not require large financial investments.
  • It is equally important to choose a promising section of the reservoir and clarify the placement of trees, reeds, snags and other obstacles. If you are well aware of such subtleties, you can go fishing late at night. But in the absence of real fishing experience in the chosen area, it is recommended to study the reservoir in advance and prepare the place long before darkness comes.
  • Do not forget about personal comfort. In addition to preparing a fishing camp, be sure to pay attention to the provision of heat. After all, even the warmest summer night can bring cold, wind, or rain. Be sure to take more warm clothes with you, because without them, with a sharp drop in temperature, you will find yourself in an awkward situation.

To avoid catching the fishing line on the grass, you can use a piece of cloth and put it under the rods. If the weather is accompanied by a strong wind with gusts, you should hide small and light items in a backpack or pocket. As for bait and bait, they need to be protected from numerous rodents.

Very good if you go night carp fishing in your car. You can put extra clothes in the trunk in case the main one gets wet. In addition to sudden temperature changes, at night you can encounter such a problem as annoying mosquitoes.

Without the use of a good insect repellent, fishing will become a terrible nightmare. Do not take risks and take care of protection in advance.

Carp Summer Night Fishing: Features of carp

Naturally, carp is not a full-fledged nocturnal fish, unlike eel, catfish, or burbot. After all, he often pecks in the daytime. Most likely, it can be called a “twilight” underwater inhabitant, since the peak of carp activity is noticed just after sunset. In addition, in some waters, Carp Summer Night Fishing in the dark does not live up to any expectations and does not bring a good bite. But still, a significant part of them are great for night fishing.

Fishing experts say that the productivity of Carp Summer Night Fishing at night is due to the intense change in lighting conditions, and not a decrease in water temperature or a decrease in noise. They back this up with personal facts and observations. When fishing on a full moon, the fish did not react to the bait in any way and remained inactive. But as soon as the moon hid behind the clouds, the biting resumed.

[caption id="attachment_1676" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Carp Summer Night Fishing: Features of carp fishing Carp Summer Night Fishing: Features of carp fishing[/caption]

Of course, the characteristic silence and coolness also contribute to good activity and play their role.

It should be understood that at night, as well as during the day, the energy of the carp is changeable. After a long peck, a long silence can follow, and, as a rule, the last phenomenon lasts much longer. Often fishermen express the opinion that carp should be caught an hour before dawn and during the hour following the onset of dusk. The rest of the time you can sleep peacefully. But these are just empty words. If circumstances allow you to fish all night, do not refuse such a great opportunity.

Determining the effectiveness of biting by the phases of the moon is quite problematic. There is no specific rule.

Sometimes the fish peck at the full moon, and sometimes only during the new moon. This is most likely due to the lighting.

Where to look for carp:

  • When the dark time comes, especially in summer, carp begin to move to shallow places. Naturally, this does not always happen. If the weather worsens and becomes significantly colder, the
  • fish may remain at depth until the temperature rises again.
  • In most cases, nocturnal carp are found in the coastal zone, on the shallows, or near thickets of reeds, water lilies, and algae.
  • Sometimes the fish is so hungry that it swims almost to the very shore. Such actions are accompanied by characteristic sounds, bursts, and movements.
  • Carp likes to hide in places with a sharp drop in depths, for example, where a shallow is rapidly replaced by a pit.
  • If the underwater terrain is covered with algae, this place can be called the most promising for fishing.

For locals and avid carp fishermen, determining the real location of carp will not be too difficult. Young enthusiasts will have a much harder time. But if you pay due attention to finding the location of the carp, it will meet all expectations and provide a perfect bite.

Carp Summer Night Fishing: Disguise

Many anglers are sure that the night carp cannot notice the fisherman and the issue of camouflage should not be as relevant as during the day. But this is a huge misconception.

[caption id="attachment_1677" align="aligncenter" width="254"]Carp Summer Night Fishing: Disguise Carp Summer Night Fishing: Disguise[/caption]

Complete darkness is extremely rare. If fishing occurs along the coastline, the fish can easily notice your silhouette and go into the depths. In addition, at night, the carp's hearing improves several times and it is much easier for him to determine any movements on the shore than during the day.

Even on the darkest night, you must follow the basic rules of disguise:

  • 1 Do not make extra sounds.
  • 2 If the bait is abandoned close to the shore, the fisherman is advised to disguise himself well, hiding among the reeds or putting on an inconspicuous camouflage.
  • 3 It is very good if you manage to sit not near the water, but a little further. Naturally, if you are making long casts, such advice is irrelevant.
  • 4 Situations that can frighten the fish should be avoided. With a long wait for a bite, you should not get up for no reason, walk along the shore and create unnecessary movements. All this can
  • 5 deprive you of a good bite.

Carp Summer Night Fishing: Bait selection

[caption id="attachment_1678" align="aligncenter" width="275"]Carp Summer Night Fishing: Bait selection Carp Summer Night Fishing: Bait selection[/caption]

Both during the day and at night, the nutritional requirements of carp can change periodically. In order not to miss your prey, it is advisable to take several different nozzles for fishing at once.

When fishing in overgrown areas of a reservoir with a shallow depth (up to half a meter), the method of fishing on a bread crust in a plumb line works well.

Other carp baits are also effective at night. The main condition for a good biting is to pre-feed the selected area of ​​the reservoir.

Carp Summer Night Fishing is a rather difficult and responsible task. But the right approach, patience, and enthusiasm will allow you to get an incredible adrenaline rush and unforgettable emotions.

Perhaps the upcoming night fishing will give you a chance to catch your first trophy. The main thing is not to miss this chance!


Carp Summer Night Fishing is a great summer night activity. The cool evening air and the sound of the water make for a perfect setting to relax and enjoy the outdoors.

Carp are hard-fighting fish, so be prepared for a good fight when you hook one.